Game of Thrones episode 401: “Two Swords” REVIEW


“The Lannisters aren’t the only ones who pay their debts.”


I only recently caught up with the last season of game of thrones, so the horrific events of the end of season three are still fresh in my mind. Those poor Starks…

Anyway, i just thought i would let you all know that it is the best television show that I’ve ever seen, although there are obviously many TV shows, like Breaking Bad and the Sopranos, that i haven’t seen, so my view is slightly bias. Probably shouldn’t say that…

The episode mainly focuses on, at least in the first half, the Lannisters in King’s Landing. Joffrey is being a completely infuriating, horrible ass-hole as usual. The character of Joffrey has been a fascinating villain, as he is just completely evil, but not in a campy way. We all love to hate him, and that is testament to Jack Gleeson’s acting chops. Peter Dinklage’s Tyrion is fantastic, as usual, as he welcomes two new characters (pictured) from royal Dorn heritage to King’s Landing. They were exciting to meet, as they had very odd and quite bad-ass personalities. I have a feeling that they will clash the Lannisters in a big way by the end of the season. It was also nice to see Jamie back in Kings Landing for the first time in two seasons, with a swanky new metal hand. Cersei was also as sinister as she always is, and seeing Sansa after the Red Wedding was also pretty heart-breaking.

Outside King’s Landing, Jon Snow telling the Nights Watch of what was behind the wall was fairly interesting, but he only got a bit of screen time, which was a shame. I really have know idea where his character is going, but i’m sure i will be satisfied when i find out. Also, seeing Jon’s red-headed squeeze Ygritte and her growing rage towards Jon leaving her is terrific and terrifying.

Daenerys’s segment was also good, mainly due to seeing the Dragons…boy they’ve grown. But honestly, I’ve never found her to be a very interesting character, well considering how much the public seem to love her.

The stand out segment however was seeing Arya and the Hound fight and kill her captures from Season two. Scary stuff, considering Ayra is a very young girl.

The writing was fantastic as always, and the cinematography was top notch.

I won’t be scoring the episode, as i will hopefully do a review for each episode, and i’ll give a score for the season at the end. But needless to say, I loved it!

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